As you have discovered by now, I like to
create amusing animation's for, getting a
message across or just as a surprise for
the viewer to find.

Most of my animations have a purpose on
a specific page to work with the content of
that page but from time to time I think up
ideas that have no connection with any
particular section of this site.

Some are large animations that may take a
minute or two to download where as others
may take only ten or twenty seconds to
display on your screen.

In every case they don't fit in anywhere so I
just place them on this page so you can look
at them at your leisure. Some may impress
you, some may amuse you but some may
have no effect at all and you will sigh as why
you wasted your time waiting for it!

Look upon this page as like an Art Gallery
except in this case it is for Animation's. On
some occasions I let my creativity run away
with me and throw out an animation in
half an hour. Other occasions I may plan,
and build an animation over several days.

So give them a try and see what you think.
Once you have visited this page and looked
over everything here, don't forget to pop
Back again to what I might have added.

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