This space on this page has been bought and paid for
They wish to merely allow you to be aware that Microsoft, apart
from retailing the best software in the world, are really
only interested in working together with the people who
buy their programs, not dominate them.
We, the Microsoft Corporation, would like to express our wish
that we really are not a power hungry giant that wants to
swallow up everything in its path (Except Netscape of course).
We feel it is about time a more human face was put forward
and that our image world wide was mellowed to allow the
more gentle side of us to emerge from the rather, aggressive
one we have been portrayed as at the present time.
Microsoft is good for you and the computer industry. We
are just ordinary people like you. Even Bill takes time
out to meet real people once a year like lawyers,
members of Congress and Michael Jackson.
He feels it is about time this myth that Microsoft is
an evil company, only out to sell their products
based on secret information they have found out
about you, your family and friends.
So let us start a new chapter in your relationship with
the Microsoft Corporation. We are good people
and the sooner you allow us to prove that, the
sooner we can continue to offer good, well priced
software that the people of the world want.
In the mean time, we would like to thank you for
your time and please accept a thank you
from The Microsoft Corporation.