So what is this web site really all about?

So you have arrived and you don't know what to
expect? Well you can be sure of one thing, you
will leave with a smile on your face......I Hope?

As an individual I move through life with my sense
of humor fully strapped to my back. I think laughter
is very theraputic and as such have built this web
site to accomadate that aspect.

The site is aimed at the funny side of life and the
misfortunes we all face from time to time as well
as the attitudes we have to the life of today.

I have also included some fun pages that get
your brain going and keep you occupied if you
dont find the main content of much interest.

You will find the layout is aimed for ease of use. I
have simplified the navigation as much as possible
to make it easy for you to move around the site.

You will also find the web site content list is contained
in several vertical tables. It does mean you will have
to scroll down the page to access the compleat list of
web pages to this site.

I have built it this way as to
avoid everything being
crammed in to a small space.
Although you have to
scroll, it will mean you can find
all the pages without
having to stare at a mass of jumbled
text scattered all
over the page confusing you where to go.

I am always willing to listen to oppinions and if you have
the time, please feel free to comment on the navigation. I
feel I have constructed a user friendly navigation system to
this site but if you feel you are still unable to move around
the site easily, then do let me know.

After all, it is you I have built the web site for and it is you
who should be happy to explore. If your not happy you will
not return again. I want you to return again so every single
oppinion counts to me so please don't forget that.

So thats about it, just don't forget to explore everything
and you should find something here that amuses you.
Please drop me an email if you liked the site as it would
be good to know if my ideas have had the effect on people
I wanted. Enjoy yourself and have fun:)