I have tried to think of as many frequently asked
questions as possible so as you may use this site
without the need to e-mail me on certain issues.

Q - Have you any plans to expand and add new content
to this web site?

A - Yes is the short answer. This site will be
added to and improved so please pop by again.

At the bottom of the home page you will see
a Last Updated page in the miscellaneous section.
The connecting page will list any new content
that has been added, when it was added and
where you can find it.

Q - You have lots of graphics, animations
and other material on your web site, can
I use them for my web site?

A - Yes but please read below carefully:


I have created the animations to work with
the theme of this web site. I am happy if
you wish to download any you see but only
on the basis you do not use them for profit.
The only other condition is you place a
link to this web site.


I have created certain pages for the
sole purpose of use by any one as a
joke to send to friends and
mates. The 'Communications'
section of my site is one such area.

Clipart and Static graphics

The same goes for any other material you see
except certain pages where you see a Legal
Notice at the bottom of the page. These
pages contain material that is copyright
and you must read the the statement before
deciding to use them on your site.

Next, there are a few pieces of Clipart and
page backgrounds that have been downloaded
from the net. Unfortunately I have been unable
to locate the original free web site from where
I found them. In this case I cannot say they
if it is still OK to use them. I myself am unsure
so you must also be aware of this

If you would like to know which content items
are not from my personal collection, then
log on to 'The Thank You Page'.

Finally, please don't copy my web site.
I have spent many months working on
this site, you are welcome to use my
images to create new content but please,
be your own creator and not steel my
ideas or general theme.

Q - What software did I use to build this web site?

A - Below is the software I used:

Macromedia Dreamweaver - General site building
Adobe Photoshop - Image adaptation and compression
Adobe Image ready (Part of Photoshop) - Animation's
Globescape Cute FTP - FTP transfer

Q - You have a link to my web site.
I did not receive an e-mail asking me if
that was all right!!!

A - I have sent out e-mail to all web sites
I have linked to. If I do not receive a
response then I assume that the builder is
happy for the link to take place as they would
certainly reply otherwise.

If you have not received any contact
I am sorry, even e-mail can get lost sometimes.

If this is the case then please
e-mail me and I will remove the
link to your site at once.

Q - I want to link to your site, do you mind?

A - Not at all. If you do link up, please e-mail
me if you have time, it
would be nice
to know where this site expands to.

Q - I like your site, can I contact you?

A - Yes if you would like. You could help
me more by telling your Cyber friends to visit.

Q - Who really shot JFK?

A - That's a good question - Who Knows???